New World received’t permit you to switch characters between areas in any case

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New World received’t permit you to switch characters between areas in any case

The server transfer feature become initially slated for remaining week, however a few existing issues made Amazon put off the launch to this week. This delay become followed via a New World Coins  megathread on New World's reputable discussion board, wherein Amazon posted a FAQ regarding the new characteristic. According to this FAQ, it seems like the server switch token that Amazon will provide users may not allow them to alternate the region.

Without area transfers, users won't be allowed to alternate from the EU to the USA or from the USA east coast to the United States west coast. Amazon explained that the purpose for that is that each vicinity has its own database, which makes it impossible to transport characters between areas. Unfortunately, this isn't always the message that Amazon gave players within the week following release.

This has already caused a few sad players, with many replying on social media posts and discussion board threads, stating that gamers have now sunk great time into Cheap New Word Coins characters that they could no longer use with their complete institution of friends.
